Friday, April 6, 2007

Global heating

Global heating
In 1896 Svante Arrhenius Swedish chemist suggested that carbon dioxide being in the atmosphere by the industrial civilisation could heat the surface of the Earth. Bioligists who dealt with the life of the ocean said that it wasn’t possible. Sometimes some of them suggested that they should return to the problem.
Every spring the plants burst into flowers and take up carbon dioxide. Every au tumn with the withdrawal of the flora carbon dioxide gets back to the air. Putting together the series of the different years we can receive a lifting curve. Every year a growing quantity of carbon dioxide gets into the atmosphere and at the end of the in-and out breathing series of the plants more and more remain in the air. Keeling-curve had clearly proved what people just wondered about up till then that by human activity carbon dioxide being let go into the air doesn’t absorb in the oceans and in the flora but it accumulates year-after-year in the atmosphere of the Earth: man changes the composition of the atmosphere.
Connection between the atmospheric carbon dioxide content and the temperature
According to theoretical considerations, calculations and experiments in relation with this matter, the present total atmospheric carbon dioxide content causes approximately 7 degrees higher temperature on the surface. This amount has increased with almost one-third in the last 150 years. A research team had analysed a millions of date of the part 50 million years and came to the conclusion that the oceans’ water also became warmer under the surface as far as 300 metres. Since the heat capacity of the water much higher than the air, therefore the water of the ocean took up this surplus. Obviously, a balance has been developing between the water and the air about it, so, in a billowy process this surplus will get loch from the ocean to the air. The warmer water steams are quicker that’s why on one hand more wetness gets into the air and that causes more rain, on the other hand quicker air lifting generates more powerful winds and steams and that last warmer air has greater energy, therefore it is more vehement mobile changeable.
Oceans are Warming
There are two points of evidence indicating that oceans are warming: One is that precipitation is increasing; and the other is that ice is melting over oceans more than over land.
The oceans have a heat capacity 1,000 times that of the atmosphere. This means the air cannot easily heat the oceans, but oceans can easily heat the air. The atmosphere would have to heat a lot, before it could heat the oceans a little; yet the opposite is occurring. The atmosphere is only said to have warmed 0.6°C in recent times.
Ice is obviously melting rapidly, but primarily over oceans. In localized areas, there is warming over land which is melting showpiece glaciers and northern tundra. But where it really matters, over Antarctica, ice is thickening. Over Greenland both thickening and melting of ice is occurring, but Greenland is small, and it's climate is influenced by an ocean current called the Gulf Stream.
The ultimate test of whether the oceans or atmosphere is heating more is precipitation, and it is increasing. If the atmosphere were heating more than the oceans, there would be less precipitation, because warmer air holds more moisture. If the oceans are heating more than the air, more precipitation occurs, because evaporation increases, while there is less change in the amount of moisture the air will hold.
Because of the increase in precipitation, ice is thickening over land at Antarctica and Greenland, as shown by satellites which use radar to measure thickness of ice.


patricio said...

This problem about eart, is seriusly to worry, but we can do something from our houses for avoid more danger damage:

-We can't to waste water, when you clean your teeth, no open the sink, is better use a cup with water.
-You must take a short shower but not a long shower.

patricio said...

-If you wash the dishes, this water could to used over plants, garden, etc.
-Not wash your car with sink open, is better to use a bucket with water.
-Not to contaminate water with any oils.

-You could to recyclate

Thomas Youman said...

Hi Sari,

Your article is very good, maybe too good, it looks like you copied most of the information from the internet. Anyway, the artile is good and we learned many things.

Take care.