Saturday, May 12, 2007

John Paul II

The person that I admire is Karol Jozef Wojtyla, John Paul II.
He was born in May 18 1920 in Wadowice a small city in the South of Poland. His family was conformed by father . His name is Karol Wojtyla . He was a soldier of the Austro Hungarian army. He died in 1941. His mother was Emilia Kaczorowsky, a young Sileciana of the Lituano origin and juan Pablo II had an adolescent brother named Edmud. He was a doctor. He died in 1932.
When he was nine years old, he made the first communion, and at eighteen years old, he received the confirmation.
He showed a great interest in the theater and literature. He finished the studies of half education, in the school "Marcin Wadowita". He was registerd in 1938 in the university " Jagellónica" of Cracovia and in a theater school.
When the were losing the second world war the Germans closed all the universities and so young Karol had to work in a quarry and in manufactur chemistry to earn a living. This experience has helped him to know the physical fatigue, so with simplicity good sense and the work religious fervor and the poor.
In november of 1946, Karol Wojtlyla priest was ordered to the bigger seminar of Cracovia and he celebrated his first Mass in "San Leonardo" in the Cathedral of wavel.
He spoke out against ideologies and politics of Communism, Marxism, Socialism, Imperialism, hedonism and he fought against oppresion, secularism and poverty.
In addition, John Paul II was against abortion, contraception, human cloning, euthanasia and unjust wars.
In february 2004 John Paul II was nominated for a nobel Peace Prize because he worked in opposing Communist oppresion.
On April 2, 2005 John Paul II died because he had Parkinsons disease.
Finally, I can say that he was a very wise man he fulfills his mission of delivery, sacrifice and generosity in spite of his years and especially of his illness.


patricio said...

This Pope was very human, his messages always were about peace and love. His dialogue often was with simplicity and its find out to people heart.

He was a interesting thought in relation to religious, people, goverment, children, eart...

Puan Pablo II was a goodman affectionate, he was called too: "The Traveler Pope", because he visited many countries around of the world and each one he leave a hope message...

Norma Isabel said...

Fanny. Juan Pablo II for me was the best Pope in the worl. The Pope Juan Pablo worked for the Peace, right humans, he fought the poverty in the world.
he used to fight to the imperialism ans its unjust warms, before his death he was against the hedonist abortion, contraception and human cloning, in his encìclicas.
In special he fought human cloning because he considered than only God could create

Diana Fajardo said...

Fanicita, Juan Pablo II, for me was a inteligent man and a good diplomatic too. He was a key for the europian union.

Marinés said...

Juan Pablo II was a person who inspired me to follow him… He achieved a modern point of view where God is involved in every single activity; from birth control campaigns to homosexual rights. He visited many forgotten places around the world trying to help people. He reinforced the aid to Africa where children die without having access to food, water, medicines and suffering illnesses like VIH. I guess he showed us that everything is possible, that we only need to work together for those who need a little bit of help!