Saturday, May 12, 2007

Mother Teresa

The person that I admire is Mother Teresa. She was born in Macedonia, on August 27, 1910, her family was albanian descent Calcuta. She was very poor.Her family was very poor. WHen she had twelve years She felt the call the God, she was to the monastery to be missionary. In 1931 she took a vows for a nun. In 1948 Mother Teresa taugh in St. Mary's hihg scool in Calcuta. In that same year she leave the convent for helping the sickest people in Calcuta in special in slums She though that people need her.

I admire the Mother Teresa for her determination to help people with illness of skin
She was a special woman. The poor people were the first for her, but she had shared frienship with Lady Di, the princess of England,because Diana helped her to collected money, medicines, food around the world to mantain the hospitals for curing the sickers with lepra in India and other poor countries
Lady Di was the best friend of Mother Teresa, when The princcess died she had been very sad after a few days she also died.
I admire Mother Teresa for her capacity and predisposition to research helping the goberments, queens, kings, priests including the Pope Jhon XXIII.
Mother Teresa founded the missionaries of charity . She has recived a number awards and distinctions of Peace Prize 1971,1972 and 1979.
Mother Teresa was a special woman I think that she depended of the Divine Providence


Diana Fajardo said...

I admire Mother Teresa too, because, she was a very good person, she always tinked in poor people and helped too.

domeniquit@ said...

Hi, normita I think that your person is very interesting becouse she helped more pople, and She was a example for our lives...