You can see three of the 450 victims.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Ciudad Juarez
You can see three of the 450 victims.
Fashion the way to the eating disorders ""
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Its capital is quito a big city in where live the president of the republic this is also where most of the indigenous people live, Guayaquil is the country's largest city, major port, and leading commercial center, is a rival to Quito.
CapitalQuito; 1,451,000
Area283,560 square kilometers(109,483 square miles)
LanguageSpanish, Quechua
ReligionRoman Catholic
CurrencyU.S. dollar
Life Expectancy71
GDP per CapitaU.S. $3,200
Literacy Percent93
Friday, June 8, 2007
All of we must to contribute and help to the global warming effects decrease and take care of the nature for example don't trash the garbage , and evit to use quimics and gases that damage the atmosphere not contribute in the pollute of the enviroment.
The law that will create a new province in Equator
Today, the Ecuadorian president, Rafael Correa, signed the order to create Santo Domingo de los Colorados province. In the yellow room of the Palace of Carondelet, he signed the paper with some remarkable authorities who traveled to Quito to become a witness of this event (the Mayor of the city, the queen, the priest).
The president talking from the Palace of Carondelet balcony said to the alive forces of Santo Domingo, who also traveled to Quito that the Law Project will be sent to the Congress who will be in charge of the latest verdict that will allow or deny the creation of the 24th province (if Santa Elena becomes the 23rd province).
Correa also included a resolution for the people of La Corcordia that will give them the power to decide if they want to be part of Pichincha, Esmeraldas, or Santo Domingo (the new province).
The Law Project said that the government has 90 days to call a Popular Consult for La Concordia citizens with the purpose of giving them the opportunity to decide in which province they want to belong.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Children express her priorities
The children could be attended good with warmth and quality.For this reason all children enjoy this day.
The Pope Benedicto XVI gave the approbation yesterday, for the blessed Narcisa de Jesus Martillo to be elevated to saintly, after to validy two miracles attributed to her.
The first miracle was the cure of the incurable cancer to Juan Bautista Pesantez, in 1977.
The blessed Narcisa de Jesus was born in Nobol in 1832, and she died in Lima in December 1869.
Narcisa was beatified in the Vatican in October 25, 1992 by John Paul II.
Now Benedicto XVI, approved her canonization.
Narcisa de Jesus is the third saintly Ecuadorian, after to Mariana de Jesus and Hermano Miguel.
Mother Teresa
Japan won for second time in the history the election of Miss Universe in Mèxico.
Miss Japan look a
Dressed in a black, red and purple Japanese-style gown, in second position was Natalia Guimaraes of Brazil, just before the winner was announced; Japan and Miss Brazil were shaking hands. Then she threw her hands up and covered her mouth, overcome with emotion.
when Miss Universe 2006 Zuleyka Rivera of Puerto Rico crowned her. The last time Japan won the pageant was in 1959 when Akiko Kojima became the first Miss Universe from Asia.
“She is an amazing champion, an amazing woman and I hear that they go totally insane in Japan, so that’s good,” The representant of Japan was crowned Miss Universe 2007 on Monday night, This was the second time that Japan won the world beauty title.
I think that Akiko didn`t think that she was going to win. She was very surprised and nervous.
About Children day
AZUAY claims usd 103 million for roads repair. The governmentwill give an answer next week. The people who are interested will talk to define inversion schedule.
They want to repair and to give maintainence to all roads of Province and the most important to have the money becouse there are 300km to repair.
The people of Cámaras de la Producción talked with ministro de Transporte y Obras Públicas and talked about all the proyect with inversion, money and dates, studies, to begin the work.
Province afected owes usd 6 million to Herdoíza-Crespo. in the proposal it is asked to pay the debt.
The minister receibed the proposal and he will say the next week the answer. but people want a real and soon aswer. all mayors claim the real solucion and finish the work.
Cristian`s Castro Concert
Students of UDA won a National Aid Graphical Desing
This young people competed with other eleven delegations of students of Riobamba, Quito and Guayaquil. For Cuenca, the university of Azuay was the unique that participate.
The thematic one on that they worked was a graphical proposal for a campaign about the global heating.
“It was a very good experience. We arrived at Riobamba with the idea to participate and that we had to present a work related to the global heating. Once they gave the concrete subject there us and we began to work in the idea and the concept, as well as in which we would use for the campaign”, said Juan Castaño.
This mens presented a proposal in which they supplied a tennis (shoes) and a bicycle, and of each one they exposed its commercial attributes and added values (to air back, lap belt, discharge transmission), as if it was a vehicle, everything with the phrase “emana smog y no contamina el planeta"
This young people won the Puruha prize and they were recognized and congratulated.
The university of Azuay are proud of its work, and also they inspired to another students to keep participating in this kind of events.
sports sud
The inagurated will take place from 18h30 in thath participated Ecuador,Venezuela,Chile,Argentina,Brazil,Peru. in the act will habe presentation of artist, cultural acts many songs and then Alexander Encalada Presidente or the sport federations of Azuay it declared inagurated the event
the first play is Chile with Argentina at 18h30
the second play is Venezuela with Ecuador at 20h45
In the final game, the winner was Venezuela , and the second place was Brazil and Ecuador was the fourth place . This games is a good idea that the organizer do it again