Saturday, June 2, 2007

Students of UDA won a National Aid Graphical Desing

Andrés Olingi, Juan Vintimilla and Juan Castaño, students of Graphical Design of the University of the Azuay of sixth and eighth cycle, were the winners of the National aid Graphical Design, sumonned by the Polytechnical School of Chimborazo.
This young people competed with other eleven delegations of students of Riobamba, Quito and Guayaquil. For Cuenca, the university of Azuay was the unique that participate.
The thematic one on that they worked was a graphical proposal for a campaign about the global heating.

“It was a very good experience. We arrived at Riobamba with the idea to participate and that we had to present a work related to the global heating. Once they gave the concrete subject there us and we began to work in the idea and the concept, as well as in which we would use for the campaign”, said Juan Castaño.

This mens presented a proposal in which they supplied a tennis (shoes) and a bicycle, and of each one they exposed its commercial attributes and added values (to air back, lap belt, discharge transmission), as if it was a vehicle, everything with the phrase “emana smog y no contamina el planeta"

This young people won the Puruha prize and they were recognized and congratulated.
The university of Azuay are proud of its work, and also they inspired to another students to keep participating in this kind of events.

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