Saturday, June 2, 2007

Vatican approved canonization of Narcisa de Jesus.

The Pope Benedicto XVI gave the approbation yesterday, for the blessed Narcisa de Jesus Martillo to be elevated to saintly, after to validy two miracles attributed to her.
The first miracle was the cure of the incurable cancer to Juan Bautista Pesantez, in 1977.

The blessed Narcisa de Jesus was born in Nobol in 1832, and she died in Lima in December 1869.

Narcisa was beatified in the Vatican in October 25, 1992 by John Paul II.

Now Benedicto XVI, approved her canonization.
Narcisa de Jesus is the third saintly Ecuadorian, after to Mariana de Jesus and Hermano Miguel.

1 comment:

fanny said...

Sary your blogg is good. I think that this new is a wonderful to Ecuadorians.