Wednesday, April 25, 2007

China Tourism

China Tourism
The China Popular Republic is a state situated at the east of Asia, the most inhabited of the world, it has more than 1300 million people, and it is the 4th in territorial extension after Russia, Canada and USA.
The most important cities are: Pekín, Shanghai, and Hong Kong.
The China civilization history could be from 5000 years ago. There are many historic monuments distributed over 9,6 millions km2. That are ruins of the millenary culture like: Great Wall, wich the most ancient part is about 2000 years old; The Forbiden Palace, The Imperial Palace the greatest oin the world; The Terracota Warriors of First Emperor, etc.
This enormous country land has many nature sceneries like: Three divitions (throats) of the Yangtze River or the Silk Route.
To 2005 year, China has 31 places proclaimed by UNESCO, Human Patrimony. And that year, more than 46,80 million foreign tourists visited China
For the european tourists, might be the most impressive is the distance between actual China reality and the western news image, besides of the socio-cultural differences that feel on the travel. This ancient country can only be enjoyed by its modernization way, there you can feel the millenary civilization and the modern easiness.
In 2005 year, about 46,8 million tourists visited China, for that it’s in 4th place in the world. In this same year, the economic income for China International tourism was USD29,296 million
The Tourism World Organization said: in 2020, China will be the first worldwide tourist destination.


magu said...

Patrick Star: I love your article, I think China is one of the most beatiful places to visit, for its history, its art, its people.

Thomas Youman said...

Hi Pachi,

This is a great article, keep writing like that, you might write for a newspaper or magazine one day.

Thank you.