Saturday, April 21, 2007


The global warning is caussed by industrial pollution of bigs factorias and the cars,
this is a big problems because the erth runs thi risk of begins destroyed
The our Plannet future is not so encourage, therefore I think to avoid the contamination and especially the owners of the transnational companies, wish contaminate the earth, have the moral obligation to stop this pollution and to salve the planet life, because the life is more important than the money.

We are all personally responsible for releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels for transportation (driving and flying) and home energy (electricity, heating, and cooling). This leads to global warming, which is destroying Earth's biodiversity and ecosystems.

We have work directly with volunteer youth groups and can help you be part of the solution to global warming.
Our volunteer-based programs allow us to plant young and other native trees at a size where they can quickly mature into large adult trees and become part of the rainforest. We have had great success in engaging youth volunteers from surrounding villages in these tree-planting projects, which helps us keep costs to an absolute minimum. Tropical trees planted only a few years ago are now over 20 ft. tall!
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that the average American releases 30,000 pounds of carbon dioxide each year, simply through personal transportation and home energy needs. to calculate your annual releases of carbon
It is estimated that a single tropical tree can utilize about 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide over its lifetime (i.e., 50 pounds per year over 40 years).
This means that planting 15 trees each year can offset your carbon dioxide releases for the rest of your life.
Because we rely exclusively on youth volunteers for the labor of planting and tending the trees, we are able to replant former

include mentoring youth, providing volunteer supplies and support, and facilitating experiential environmental education. We have applied absolutely 0% of donations toward administration/overhead or fundraising since we were established as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in 2000. This means that your full donation is applied toward the programs that form the basis of our nonprofit status -- not toward anything else.

Solutions: Reduce your use of fósil fuels, protecto raiforests as carbon storehorses an help plant tropical trees in coutries where the raifores is being lost.

1 comment:

Thomas Youman said...

Hi Blankis,

Your writing is pretty good, just try to correct some small errors: warming...big factories...big problem...the earth is in danger of planet's life...

The rest of the article is copied from the internet and doesn't have much sense to what you are saying:

We are all personally responsible for releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels for transportation (driving and flying) and home energy (electricity, heating, and cooling). This leads to global warming, which is destroying Earth's biodiversity and ecosystems.

We have work directly with volunteer youth groups and can help you be part of the solution to global warming.
Our volunteer-based programs allow us to plant young and other native trees at a size where they can quickly mature into large adult trees and become part of the rainforest. We have had great success in engaging youth volunteers from surrounding villages in these tree-planting projects, which helps us keep costs to an absolute minimum. Tropical trees planted only a few years ago are now over 20 ft. tall!
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that the average American releases 30,000 pounds of carbon dioxide each year, simply through personal transportation and home energy needs. to calculate your annual releases of carbon
It is estimated that a single tropical tree can utilize about 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide over its lifetime (i.e., 50 pounds per year over 40 years).
This means that planting 15 trees each year can offset your carbon dioxide releases for the rest of your life.
Because we rely exclusively on youth volunteers for the labor of planting and tending the trees, we are able to replant former

include mentoring youth, providing volunteer supplies and support, and facilitating experiential environmental education. We have applied absolutely 0% of donations toward administration/overhead or fundraising since we were established as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in 2000. This means that your full donation is applied toward the programs that form the basis of our nonprofit status -- not toward anything else.

Try to get the meaning of the reading to make a coherent article.
