Saturday, May 5, 2007


Spain is a beautiful country. The capital is Madrid.

The currency is EURO, around $1.30
Spain is a constitutional monarchy, with a hereditary monarch and a bicameral parliament, the Cortes Generales.
Spain is the world's 51st-largest country
According to the Spanish government there were 3.7 million foreign residents in Spain in 2005.

When I visited España with my group, Espiritu del Mundo Andino I have been in many places , when I have been in La Coruña in Galicia, I knew, I will be a Baby. After I don’t ate more foods in Spain because, all people prepare all foods with many many fat, In this travel my food was only milk and bread.

La Coruña

Two thousand years of history, recounted one by one by the Tower of Hercules, a tireless and legendary lighthouse that lit its fire to uncover the great city that many people had imagined. The Ocean embraces her and in its jealousy will not let go, lest others discover the secrets she holds. A balcony onto the Atlantic from which you can dream and let your imagination roam - you can travel back in time for a while, relive sensations that have been lost with their history, myths and legend, and then come back to the present to find the city's new and exciting face. Feel it, walk round it and try it.

After two weeks I visited in Spain, Satiago de Compostela this place was very very beautiful (I recommend in yours futures Travels)

Santiago de Compostela
The name Santiago goes back to the Apostle James (Saint James = Santiago) who went to this most north-western part of Spain, called by the Romans "Finis Terrae", "end of the world", to preach and convert people to Christianity.

In 12th and 13th century the town had its greatest importance, and Pope Alexander III declared it a Holy Town, like Rome and Jerusalem. Pope Calixto II declared that the pilgrims who went to Santiago in a Holy Year should be free of all their sins. El Año Santo (Holy Year) is celebrated each time when the Apostol's day (July, 25) is a Sunday.

After I visited to my brother after to 7 years, in Yecla, this is near to Murcia, for me this travel have many experiences, in Yecla I was problems with my pregnancy (alert of abortion), and may brother called me to the ambulatorio (hospital), in this place I was a bad experience because the medics thought that I was a emigrate because I didn’t have may documents, I forgot in Galicia, this attention in this ambulatorio was very very bad, and very rough, I was very vary sad.

After one week I return to Galicia, and I talked with my teacher about this problem and before finish this tour I return to Ecuador.


Norma Isabel said...

Sary, thank you, fot your information about Spain, I told that in Ricaurte there is a school called Santiago de Campostela.
I am sad because you hadn't enjoyed in your tour by Spain. But I am sure that other opportunity you will enjoy a lot

Marinés said...

Sarita, it's bad that you didn't enjoy your trip... Spain is an extremely interesting country (wine, food, people, culture...) I was there 5 years ago and visited some of the places that you did. For me, Cuenca was one of the most beautiful cities; it was just like home… rivers in the middle of downtown…mountains around the city… the cathedral and the park…

It’s also sad to know that Europeans don’t like to help people if they don’t have their papers up to date… they should apply and respect the internationals laws and trades that protect tourists and immigrants when they have troubles in their countries…

leslie said...

hi, may dear sisten in law, i hope that oll goog, i lake very much this work.
i miss muy niece

patricio said...

I thing your articke about Spain is great. Spain, "The Mother Eart", has many interesting things: architecture, food, costums, culture, people, places and her history same...

Nowadays, Spain is destiny of ecautorian inmigration, many people lives there from a lot time and still many people continues traying get trip to Spain searching "better days" like that people who tripes to USA.