Saturday, May 12, 2007

Osama Bin Laden

This personage is very popular and also the most looked for of the world because he is the founder of the Al-Qaeda organization, or mots common for his terrorism work.
Osama bin Muhammad bin 'Awad bin Laden, most often mentioned as Osama bin Laden or Usama bin Laden, born March 10, 1957 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
He is a militant Islamist who has been indicted in United States federal court for his involvement in the 1998 U.S.A embassy bombings in Tanzania and Nairobi, Kenya, and is on the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation's Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list.
Although bin Laden has taken responsibility for the September 11, 2001 attacks. The attacks involved the hijacking of United Airlines Flight 93, United Airlines Flight 175, American Airlines Flight 11, American Airlines Flight 77, and the destruction of the World Trade Center in New York City, and severe damage to The Pentagon outside of Washington, DC.

Bin Laden, been born in Riad, Saudi Arabia, was the seventeenth son (between more than fifty) of Mohammad bin Laden, one of the richest industralists of the construction of Saudi Arabia. Bin Laden graduated as Administrator of company in the University Rey Abdul Aziz. When his father died in an accident in helicopter in 1968, its enormous industrial empire, Grupo Binladin, happened at the hands of its children.

Bin Laden is a particularly tall man. The FBI describes him as tall and thin. He has an olive complexion, is left-handed, and usually walks with a cane. He wears a white turban.
In terms of personality, bin Laden is described as a soft-spoken, mild mannered man, he is said to be charming, polite, and respectful. Some people said that he only speak Arabic, but it`s believe that he understand English.

this paarticulary man married at the age of 17 with his first wife, who is also his cousin, and is reported to have married four other women and divorced one.
This man has fathered anywhere from 12 to 24 children.

Bin Laden have studied economics and business administration at the university, some reports suggest bin Laden earned a degree in civil engineering in 1979, or a degree in public administration in 1981.
Bin Laden has also an informal training in Islamic jurisprudence, wich he is criticized by Islamic scholars to have no standing to issue religious opinions.

This man is still alive and nobody knows where he is.. so guys if you see him in somewhere you have to call to USA..there is a great one compensates.. jejeje


patricio said...

I admiral to Bin Laden because he is an intelligent man, the just one manwho showed his face against USA's political sistem.
Osama, nowadays is still searching by C.I.A. He was guilting of World Trade Center case, where many people died.
Bin Laden, times ago was, C.I.A. best man, there he learned many things that he used against USA.
That`s incredible, but I admiral this man for this and more...

Norma Isabel said...

The according the information than you give me . Osama Bin Laden is a intelligent man.
I think than he should choose other methods to fight the imperialism or USA`s politicial system. HE SHOULD NOT DANGER TO INOCENT PERSONS
I don`t admire to Osama but I reconize than he is intelligent

Diana Fajardo said...

Osama Bin Laden, for me he is interesting, but I don´t agree with all he made, however, whoever that attact the American empire is goog.