Friday, May 18, 2007

Pablo Neruda

Pablo Neruda is the nickname of Neftalí Ricardo Reyes Basoalto, who was a famous Chilean poet. Nowadays, he is considered as one of the highest Spanish poets from the XX century. During his life, he won several prizes, including the Nobel Prize in Literature (1971), the Literature National Prize (1945), and the Lenin Prize of the Peace (1953).

Neruda was born in Parral (July 12th, 1094). His parents were a railroad man and an elementary school teacher. He studied in the ‘Liceo de Hombres” from 1910 to 1920; after that he studied French pedagogy in the University of Chile in Santiago.

He started writing when he was a child. His first poems were dedicated to his mother, who passed away months after his birth. These poems included phrases such as: ‘I was born when my mom was dying’ or ‘Mom; I have come late to kiss you’.

Neruda wrote several books. Crepusculario was the first book, but it did not become known (1923). After that, he wrote ‘20 love poems and a desperate song’, book that has been a best seller (more than 1 million of copies). ‘I confess that I have lived’ was his final book; it was printed in the same year he died.

Chilean government recognized his talent and career; they incorporated him as a member of the Chilean Consular Corps (1927 – 1944). Neruda also represented Chile around the world; he visited Asia, Europe, and South America. He participated in the government elections as a presidency candidate for the communism group, in 1970; but he did not win because he quit helping his friend Salvador Allende who named him France ambassador after winning the elections (1971 – 1972).

Neruda resigned his ambassador charge, and returned to Chile in 1972. He got a critical illness, cancer that caused his dead (September 23rd, 1973).

The poem 20 is an extraordinary story of memories about a person who is not longer there. The sentence ‘es tan corto el amor, y es tan largo el olvido’ shows the intensity of his writings and the royalty to his feelings and thoughts.

The Chilean government generated a mail stamp in his honor, when it was 100 years of his birth.

Encarta - 2007


domeniquit@ said...

I think that your chose very good, because Pablo Neruda was a great writers and he was my favorite for his poems.

patricio said...

Talking about Pablo Neruda is something special. When I was very young, 20 years ago, I have read Neruda's books. I enjoyed a lot read its. His poetry is incredibility magnificent, his poems transport to me to other dimension, I flying, I dreaming, Is thrue, Pablo Neruda?s poetry is GOOD...

Norma Isabel said...

I like the poems of Pablo Neruda, inspecial 20 love poems and desperate song, because they tell about the writer`s life, his feelings and his aspirations.

Diana Fajardo said...

Your aticle interested me because I din´t know that Pablo Neruda´s father was a writte too. On another hand, is importan writting about Latinamerican writter. Good job.

Anonymous said...

Dear Ma. Inès I agree, I think Pablo Neruda is one of the best poets of all.