Friday, June 29, 2007

Ciudad Juarez

Ciudad Juarez

After to read about the murders in Ciudad Juarez and Chihuahua city, I feel so sick, since 1983 over 450 girls and women have been killed.

Most of victims were young and poor, and many of them were sexually assaulted before to their death.

During all these years authorities did small investigatios about these murders, the victim's family think police is responsable. Can't be possible fathers, boyfriends, cousins of the victims are punished and prosecuted by police, sometimes is used the torture to get confessions from inocent people.

Anybody can do anything these terrible crimes are still in impunity.

You can fid hundreds of fothos of the missed girls. A group of mothers in Ciudad Juarez every single evening walk around their streets, sometimes they can rescue girls, maybe their love can change this situation.

You can see three of the 450 victims.


Norma Isabel said...

I think than in Ecuador also is happening this, especially in the coast region this happen all days.
In the television there are news about the violence against children.
I am agree with the article when it said than the parents, friends or boyfriends are bad persons with the children

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