Saturday, June 2, 2007

Cristian`s Castro Concert

The city was shocked when found out that this great singer was coming to town to give a free concert for the youth.

This Mexican singer is well known for his artistic career since he was young and is considered one of the most popular spanish singers.

The Ilustre Municipalidad of Cuenca brought this singer to give this concert to keep the youth away from drugs, and there were given free passes to students from different Universities of the town.

It is a great iniciative from the major to keep the youth away from drugs and to make this world a better place to live in.

1 comment:

Marinés said...

ummm.... I know you had a great time there, he is so cute and an amazing singer.. and the after concert was interesting, wasn't it?

I miss so much going out with you ... I'm having regrets about studying the diplomacy... my life is gone!!!!