Friday, June 29, 2007

Fashion the way to the eating disorders ""

Nowadays is very comon the eating disorders, the principal reason of this problem is the fashion. The super models think that to be sexy you have to look so thin and sexy, and they fall in several problems like anorexia nerviosa, bulimia and others.These women actually manage to be anorexic and sexy at the same time and thus become supermodels,
largely due to the gift of photography and airbrushing.

The supermodels are used to sell perfume, make-up, lingerie and other sexually-oriented fashion and/or accessories, but the problem is that America seems to be really good at producing people with eating disorders, because the models that you can see in differents magazines or publishements are skeletons, only boons.
This problems are very serious against your health, and the girls are very influent of this and each day the porcents of case of anorexics girls and bulimia is increasing.
Everybody think that the image ideal is extremely thin but is not true. The female "body ideal" has been in a constant state of flux for the past two centuries, for example before extra weight on women was a sign of being rich and healthy, then don´t exist a image ideal people should try to reach their "natural weight." He defines this as the weight at which your body feels healthy and is free of disease. Gaesser notes that some people are naturally thinner, while others are naturally heavier. You can still be fit and healthy with a few extra pounds, you can choose to make health your new ideal. It's a much more realistic and attainable goal.

1 comment:

magu said...

Your article show us an actual problem, everyday girls want to be thiner and thiner, because they don't understand that health is not to look like a skeleton. Good job!